Lianhao Yin

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About me

Lianhao Yin is a postdoc associate at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) MIT, working with Prof. Daniela Rus. He is also a postdoc at the Surgical Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Laboratory (SAIIL)  at MGH, Boston, working with Prof. Ozanan Meireles and Prof. Guy Rosman. Before that, he worked in the automotive industry and obtained his Ph. D from Lund University, Sweden, advised by Prof. Per Tunestål and Rolf Johansson

Research Interest

●      Robotic learning: Bio-inspired robotics, reinforcement learning, control

●      Autonomous system: end-to-end control, interpretable and interactive robotic learning

●      Applications: medical robots, aerial robots, legged robots, manufacturing, energy system, automotive, autonomous system, and beyond. 


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